Wednesday, January 30, 2008

One ugly winter day!

My head is splitting with ache becouse of the weather changes. From +3C yesterday to -11 + wind chill = -23C today!

My poor husband with forzen eyebrows.

My cat spends most of the time gazing at the new, undiscowered world. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, poor cat... and poor husband! :D

We had it bad here too in Ottawa. It was pouring rain this morning at 7:30, two hours later there was wind chill and I think it's below -20C tonight. Of course, everything is frozen outside, and very slippery.

I mean, I like Canada but sometimes...

Inga Encinas said...

hehe, I can imagine, today we are enjoying beautiful snow that is not goint to stop, but cars can hardly go and buses are late all the time.