Hey, hey, I finally found my way Say goodbye to yesterday
Hit the gas there ain’t no brakes on this lost highway
Bon Jovi
Some pictures I made during our trips all around Europe...Hit the gas there ain’t no brakes on this lost highway
Bon Jovi
Germany, Autumn 2007

Spain, Cataluña

Spain, Cataluña, La pineda, raining

Spain, Monserrat

Spain-France: The Pyrenees

Spain: Pais Vasco

Spain, Cataluña

Cats or cocktails?
Italy. Road to Austria, storm

Austria, Alps

Alps, France

England, Dover...

Somewhere in Germany, the ass of rhino
The end
These are GORGEOUS -- especially the first one, and the ones of mountains. How can you travel so much? Is it your job?
Also -- what language would you prefer? This is the_anomaly (Алекс Глоуаский) from the English-Russian blog at mail.ru...
Oh, Hi Alex, I can write in both languages, so It will be helpfull for both of us. :) We used to work in transporting company in Spain after my husband quit his job as a musisian and actually we came here to travel all around USA and Canada by truck, lol
I know It might sound crazy, but we like to travel and trucking brings a lot of money. But I don´t drive, so I make pictures! :)
Привет, Алекс. Я могу писать на обоих языках, так что это будет полезно нам обеим. Мы работали в транспортной компании в Испании после того, как мой муж бросил работу музыканта. И кстати мы приехали сюда, чтобы путешествовать по всей Америке и Канаде на трейлере. Я знаю, это звучит безумно, но эта работа приносит много денег. А я не вожу, так что я фотографирую :))
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