Friday, February 8, 2008

Significant song in my life.

There are some very significant songs in my life. One of those songs is Breathing by Lifehouse.
This incredibly beautiful song used to play as you come to my myspace page. My future husband heard It and thought I might be an interesting person, like this we started to talk...
It was in novermeber 2005. In february 7, 2006 I fell in love with him. I know this becouse It was the first evening he sang Bon Jovi´s songs to me by web camera. His voice was so breathtaking and he was so cute, that I couldn´t help falling in love.


Anonymous said...

Songs are the best way for me to remember a special place, a special person, a special time in my life. So many memories are attached to them!

I can total understand ;)

Inga Encinas said...

I agree. For me almost all special places have their songs :) Also music is so inspiring, It can change my mood. I used to say "I will marry a musician" and I did so!

Aiglee said...

Inga, I love your blog! So many pictures of so many places I want to know :)

Thanks for visitin my blog, now I have another daily blog ^^

By the way, sounds so romantic to know you've fallen in love like that :D

Inga Encinas said...

Hello, thank you for your words! I´m glad you liked my blog :) How are you? Do you like your new life in Canada?

Michele said...

Oh, what a romantic and sweet post to read and so close to Valentine's day. Your blog is so beautiful and so wonderful to read and your pictures are so stunning...

Inga Encinas said...

Thank you so much, Michele. I'm glad to hear It from you, becouse I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

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